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Next-generation firewall: maximum security for your company

Our firewall solutions protect you even better against threats than classic firewall solutions.

This is how safety works today

Next-generation firewalls

Analysis and consulting

We analyse your current IT for weak points and advise you on the subject of next-generation firewalls

Deploy to your infrastructure

We introduce the next-generation firewall to your company and take care of the setup holistically.

Updates and support

We always keep your next-generation firewall up to date and support it as part of a managed service.

What are we doing exactly?

Our services

Individual architecture planning
Tailored solutions for your business

Set up and install your private cloud

Next-generation firewalls for private clouds
We protect your private cloud from attacks.

Managed IT security
Complete management of all applications, monitoring and maintenance.

Training and support
We train your employees to use the private cloud.

Emergency response services
Quick response and assistance with security incidents and outages.

Regular updates and upgrades
We ensure regular updates of all applications within your private cloud.

Compliance check
Helping you comply with relevant safety standards and regulations.

Private cloud migration
We ensure a smooth transfer from on-premise to your cloud.

Risk assessment and management
Evaluation of potential risks and development of strategies to mitigate risks.

International connection of your locations
We ensure low latency, no matter where in the world your locations are located.

Performance monitoring
We monitor the performance of your private cloud and optimize it continuously.

The best cybersecurity protection for your company

Your benefits

threat detection

Detect and prevent complex attacks with built-in IPS capabilities.

application control

Next-generation firewalls identify and regulate application access, strengthening network security.

Increasing efficiency

Combining security and network services in these firewalls improves network performance.

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What is a next-generation firewall (NGFW)?

Next-generation firewalls (NGFWs) are an evolution of traditional firewall systems that are designed to address cutting-edge security threats. They combine the basic features of a standard firewall, such as packet filtering and VPN support, with advanced features such as intrusion prevention systems (IPS) and application control. These firewalls not only provide protection against network attacks, but also allow deep traffic inspection to identify hidden threats. NGFWs are intelligent and can adapt to the ever-changing landscape of cyber threats by continuously learning and updating themselves. As a result, they provide dynamic and robust protection for corporate networks that goes far beyond what traditional firewalls can do.

Network monitoring & threat management: NGFWs provide detailed insights into network traffic and enable rapid response to security threats.

Built-in safety features: With advanced features such as application control and identity management, NGFWs provide comprehensive network security.

Cost reduction: Significantly reduces operating costs through intelligent path selection, which requires less bandwidth and reduces expensive MPLS connections.

Increased performance through intelligent path selection: Increases the efficiency of critical applications with prioritized traffic, resulting in improved user experiences.

SD-WAN for efficient multi-site network integration

SD-WAN enables multiple sites to be seamlessly connected through intelligent and flexible routing mechanisms that both reduce costs and improve network performance. It optimizes data traffic in real time, ensures security, and efficiently supports cloud applications.
Organizations benefit from centralized control that simplifies network management while improving application performance. SD-WAN dynamically adapts to changes in network traffic to ensure optimal connection quality.

Intrusion Prevention

Intrusion prevention systems (IPS) in next-generation firewalls are essential for preventing network attacks. They analyze network traffic to identify anomalies, unwanted access, and potential threats.

Unlike traditional firewalls, which only block or allow traffic to pass through, IPS actively responds by blocking suspicious activity and triggering alarms. This proactive monitoring and response protects the network from sophisticated attacks and unknown threats.

Learn how our next-generation firewalls with IPS can reliably protect your network. Contact us for individual advice and learn more about our tailor-made security solutions, which are specifically tailored to your needs. Our team is happy to help you implement effective intrusion prevention measures to make your network secure and resilient to cyber threats.

Effective threat defense: The IPS in NGFWs provides advanced security through monitoring and immediate response to suspicious activity

Dynamic network security: By constantly adapting to new threat patterns, IPS systems ensure a continuous and effective security situation.

Erweiterte Bedrohungserkennung: NGFWs nutzen DPI, um komplexe Sicherheitsbedrohungen zu identifizieren und abzuwehren, die traditionelle Paketfilterung nicht erfassen kann.

Präzise Netzwerkkontrolle: Durch die Kombination von Paketfilterung und DPI können NGFWs den Netzwerkverkehr feiner steuern und eine sichere, optimierte Netzwerkumgebung gewährleisten.

Paketfilterung und Deep Packet Inspection (DPI)

Paketfilterung ist ein grundlegendes Element jeder Firewall, das Datenpakete basierend auf Quell- und Zieladressen filtert. Next-Generation-Firewalls (NGFWs) erweitern diese Funktion durch Deep Packet Inspection (DPI), eine tiefere Analyse der Datenpakete. DPI untersucht nicht nur die Header-Informationen, sondern auch den Inhalt der Pakete, um verborgene Bedrohungen wie Malware oder unerwünschte Inhalte zu identifizieren.

Diese Kombination aus Paketfilterung und DPI ermöglicht es NGFWs, sowohl bekannte als auch unbekannte Bedrohungen effektiver zu erkennen und zu blockieren, indem sie einen tieferen Einblick in den Netzwerkverkehr gewähren.Erweitern Sie Ihre Netzwerksicherheit mit den fortschrittlichen Funktionen unserer Next-Generation-Firewalls.

Kontaktieren Sie uns heute, um mehr darüber zu erfahren, wie unsere Lösungen Ihr Netzwerk vor den immer komplexer werdenden Cyber-Bedrohungen schützen können. Unser Expertenteam berät Sie gerne über die optimalen Sicherheitslösungen für Ihr Unternehmen.

Zero Trust in Next-Generation Firewalls

Zero Trust models integrate seamlessly into the next-generation firewall architecture by requiring rigorous verification and control of every access attempt within the network. This strategy is based on the assumption that trust is a risk and therefore every request is treated as a potential threat, regardless of whether it comes from within or outside the network.
Next-generation firewalls built on zero trust principles use dynamic identity verification and advanced network segmentation to precisely control and monitor traffic. By implementing Zero Trust, these firewalls increase security by strictly regulating access based on continuous authentication and minimizing access rights. This approach minimizes the attack surface and protects critical resources from unauthorized access by ensuring that only verified and authorized users and devices get access.

Strengthened security measures: Implement strict access controls and identity verification to prevent security breaches

Minimize the attack surface: Reduces the risk of data leaks by consistently applying the least privilege principle and micro-segmentation.

Advanced threat defense: Effectively protects against specialized web attacks through targeted monitoring and control of data traffic.

Compliance and data security: Supports compliance with data protection standards and protects sensitive information from unauthorized access.

WAF — web-based security in next-generation firewalls

Next-generation firewalls (NGFWs) with integrated web application firewalls (WAF) provide comprehensive protection for web-based applications by preventing specific threats such as cross-site scripting, SQL injection, and other OWASP Top 10 risks.

Through advanced analysis of HTTP/HTTPS traffic, they effectively secure applications and data from attacks and ensure compliance with data protection standards. Their ability to adapt to new threats makes them an essential tool for securing modern corporate networks.

Next-generation security from Barracuda

Next-generation security solutions, such as those offered by Barracuda Networks, provide comprehensive protection for enterprise networks. These advanced solutions include technologies such as Deep SSL Inspection, Intrusion Prevention (IPS), and advanced threat detection.

They are specifically designed to effectively protect against ransomware, zero-day threats, and network attacks. MDSYSTEC, as a Barracuda partner, offers these advanced security solutions to protect corporate networks. Barracuda's SecureEdge, an innovative firewall-as-a-service offering, uses cloud architecture to reduce the complexity and cost of traditional hardware deployments.

These solutions enable companies to strengthen their network security while remaining flexible and adaptable to the ever-changing landscape of cyber threats. Through this partnership, MDSYSTEC offers high-quality, reliable and efficient security solutions that are specifically tailored to the needs of every customer.

Proactive network security: With SecureEdge, Barracuda offers a cutting-edge security solution that is adaptable and easy to implement to meet today's and tomorrow's security challenges.

Partnership with Barracuda: As a Barracuda partner, MDSYSTEC can offer these leading security solutions that ensure scalable, efficient, and cost-effective network security.

Evidence of high quality and safety standards: The certifications underline our commitment to quality and safety in all aspects of our work.

Maximum protection of your data: These recognized standards guarantee our customers the highest data protection standards.

ISO certification and BSI as a managed service provider for NGFW

MDSYSTEC is certified in accordance with DIN ISO 9001 and 27001, which underlines our commitment to quality and safety in services and processes. These certificates reflect our commitment to management excellence and information security.

We are not only guided by these high standards, but are also going one step further by making our services strictly compliant with BSI standards for protection needs. This includes the development of tailor-made solutions for critical infrastructure operators (KRITIS), which are crucial in today's connected world. In addition, we offer BAIT and VAIT compliant financial services that are specifically aimed at meeting the unique and stringent security requirements of financial institutions.

Classic firewall vs. next-generation firewall: A comparison

Classic firewalls primarily filter traffic through port and protocol information, but offer limited protection against advanced threats. In contrast, next-generation firewalls (NGFWs) combine traditional firewall technology with advanced security features such as intrusion prevention systems (IPS), application detection and control, and threat detection.

NGFWs improve security through detailed traffic inspection and enable effective network segmentation. This segmentation divides the network into safe zones, increases internal security and prevents attacks from spreading within the network. By integrating these technologies, NGFWs provide more comprehensive protection against complex cyber threats.

Advanced security features: NGFWs provide comprehensive protection with built-in security technologies.

Improved network segmentation: Promotes network security by effectively separating and isolating network segments.

Managed Firewall

Sichern Sie Ihr Netzwerk mit unserer Managed Firewall

Unsere Managed Firewall-Services bieten Ihnen eine robuste und zuverlässige Sicherheitslösung, um Ihr Netzwerk vor den neuesten Bedrohungen zu schützen. Mit modernsten Firewall-Technologien und einer proaktiven Überwachung durch unser Expertenteam sorgen wir dafür, dass Ihr Unternehmen sicher bleibt, ohne dass Sie sich um die komplexe Verwaltung Ihrer Firewall kümmern müssen.

Einsatz von Barracuda Firewall für robusten Schutz und zuverlässige Sicherheit

Implementierung und Verwaltung von PaloAlto Firewalls für umfassenden Schutz

Fortinet Firewall-Lösungen zur Abwehr von komplexen Angriffen

Checkpoint Firewalls für eine zuverlässige und flexible Sicherheitsarchitektur

Watchguard Firewall-Lösungen zur Sicherung Ihres Netzwerks vor Cyberbedrohungen

Rund-um-die-Uhr technischer Support für schnelle Hilfe

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“Our new shield really helped us. Thanks to the great training and continuous monitoring, we no longer had a security incident.”

Robert Hansen
CEO, Accelerator.
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